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Where Safety Begins Project
The Where Safety Begins project piloted a program in the Hume region for young people aged 10-14, which aimed to mitigate trauma arising from family violence and other related social issues.
The program worked with young people to enhance resilience, strengthen identity and belonging, and promote safety and wellbeing, through fun and interactive best practice tools and activities. These included resources from Respectful Relationships, adapted and embedded into modules that can be easily delivered within schools and youth centres. Tools were also incorporated from other best practice frameworks, and new tools and activities were also developed and implemented by NCLC’s Youth Community Development Worker, often in collaboration with the wellbeing staff from schools participating in the program. Tools and activities were selected or developed on the basis that they were appropriate to the target age-group, aligned with the program objectives, and were responsive to the cultural diversity of the young people that participated in our program.
Young people participating in this program learned to identify their needs, build their capacity to manage emotions, recognise personal strengths, engage with trusted supports and self-advocate when it comes to decisions that impact their lives.
The overall objective of the program was to support young people to build resilience and protective factors that would help them to cope or recover from trauma experienced, reach out and effectively engage with available supports, and be able to implement self-care strategies that promote both physical and psychological safety.
Train the Trainer Workbook
The workbook below has been created within the Where Safety Begins framework to provide tips and tools for educators or community workers who are facilitating group work. All activities should be subject to suitability and consideration of the age, demographics and experiences of the participants.